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Wzfb.cn Overview

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Wzfb.cn Website Safety

Last Updated: 10/05/2024
Unknown status.
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Norton Connect Safe
Last Updated: 02/21/2024
wzfb.cn is safe.
Norton ConnectSafe evaluates wzfb.cn for any unsafe and insecure content. The results are critical for families with young children.
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Google Safe Search
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Google Safe Browsing
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Site Advisor
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McAfee assesses wzfb.cn for a meaningful set of security threats. Featured dangers from annoying pop-ups to hidden Trojans, that can steal your identity, will be revealed. McAfee does not analyze wzfb.cn for mature or inappropriate content, only security checks are evaluated.
Web of trust logo
Web of Trust
Last Updated: 10/05/2024
wzfb.cn child safety is unknown.
The WOT calculates reputation of the wzfb.cn. This reputation system receives ratings from users and information from third-party sources, assesses the wzfb.cn for safety features and confirms, whether wzfb.cn is suitable for children.

SSL Information
Issuer OrganizationDigiCert Inc
IssuerEncryption Everywhere DV TLS CA - G1
Valid form08/13/2018
SignedCertificate is not self signed
Additional Domains www.webhostingtest1.com

Wzfb.cn Rank History

Wzfb.cn Hosting Information

Server Location

ASN Information

Last Update: 09/06/2024

% [whois.apnic.net]
% Whois data copyright terms http://www.apnic.net/db/dbcopyright.html

% Information related to 'AS37888 - AS38911'

as-block: AS37888 - AS38911
descr: APNIC ASN block
remarks: These AS numbers are further assigned by APNIC
remarks: to APNIC members and end-users in the APNIC region
admin-c: HM20-AP
tech-c: HM20-AP
mnt-by: APNIC-HM
mnt-lower: APNIC-HM
last-modified: 2009-09-29T06:04:16Z
source: APNIC

role: APNIC Hostmaster
address: 6 Cordelia Street
address: South Brisbane
address: QLD 4101
country: AU
phone: +61 7 3858 3100
fax-no: +61 7 3858 3199
e-mail: helpdesk@apnic.net
admin-c: AMS11-AP
tech-c: AH256-AP
nic-hdl: HM20-AP
remarks: Administrator for APNIC
notify: hostmaster@apnic.net
last-modified: 2013-10-23T04:06:51Z
source: APNIC

% Information related to 'AS37936 - AS37970'

as-block: AS37936 - AS37970
descr: CNNIC ASN block
country: CN
remarks: These AS numbers are further assigned by CNNIC
remarks: to CNNIC members and end-users in China
admin-c: IPAS1-AP
tech-c: IPAS1-AP
mnt-by: APNIC-HM
mnt-lower: MAINT-CNNIC-AP
last-modified: 2008-09-04T06:40:26Z
source: APNIC

address: No.4, Zhongguancun No.4 South Street,
address: Haidian District, Beijing
country: CN
phone: +86-010-58813000
fax-no: +86-010-58813075
e-mail: ipas@cnnic.cn
admin-c: IP50-AP
tech-c: IP50-AP
nic-hdl: IPAS1-AP
last-modified: 2013-09-12T07:40:01Z
source: APNIC

% Information related to 'AS37963'

% Abuse contact for 'AS37963' is 'ipas@cnnic.cn'

aut-num: AS37963
descr: Hangzhou Alibaba Advertising Co.,Ltd.
descr: East Software Park, 99 Huaxing Rd.
descr: Hangzhou, China
country: CN
admin-c: ZM678-AP
tech-c: ZM877-AP
tech-c: ZM876-AP
tech-c: ZM875-AP
import: from AS4837
action pref=100;
accept ANY
import: from AS4134
action pref=100;
accept ANY
export: to AS4837
announce AS37963
export: to AS4134
announce AS37963
mnt-routes: MAINT-CNNIC-AP
mnt-irt: IRT-CNNIC-CN
last-modified: 2013-07-24T02:44:02Z
source: APNIC

address: Beijing, China
e-mail: ipas@cnnic.cn
abuse-mailbox: ipas@cnnic.cn
admin-c: IP50-AP
tech-c: IP50-AP
auth: # Filtered
remarks: Please note that CNNIC is not an ISP and is not
remarks: empowered to investigate complaints of network abuse.
remarks: Please contact the tech-c or admin-c of the network.
last-modified: 2017-11-01T08:57:39Z
source: APNIC

person: Shuo Yu
address: 5F, Builing D, the West Lake International Plaza of S&T
address: No.391 Wen'er Road, Hangzhou City
address: Zhejiang, China, 310099
country: CN
phone: +86-0571-85022600
fax-no: +86-0571-85022600
e-mail: shuo.yus@alibaba-inc.com
e-mail: shuo.yus@aliyun-inc.com
nic-hdl: ZM678-AP
last-modified: 2011-11-02T03:36:02Z
source: APNIC

person: Guoxin Gao
address: 5F, Builing D, the West Lake International Plaza of S&T
address: No.391 Wen'er Road, Hangzhou City
address: Zhejiang, China, 310099
country: CN
phone: +86-0571-85022600
fax-no: +86-0571-85022600
e-mail: anti-spam@list.alibaba-inc.com
nic-hdl: ZM875-AP
last-modified: 2014-07-30T01:56:01Z
source: APNIC

person: security trouble
e-mail: cloud-cc-sqcloud@list.alibaba-inc.com
address: 5th,floor,Building D,the West Lake International Plaza of S&T,391#Wen’er Road
address: Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
phone: +86-0571-85022600
country: CN
nic-hdl: ZM876-AP
last-modified: 2013-07-08T02:56:02Z
source: APNIC

person: Guowei Pan
address: 5F, Builing D, the West Lake International Plaza of S&T
address: No.391 Wen'er Road, Hangzhou City
address: Zhejiang, China, 310099
country: CN
phone: +86-0571-85022088-30763
fax-no: +86-0571-85022600
e-mail: guowei.pangw@alibaba-inc.com
nic-hdl: ZM877-AP
last-modified: 2013-07-09T01:34:02Z
source: APNIC

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Wzfb.cn Domain Registration and Settings


Domain Name: wzfb.cn
ROID: 20050329s10001s04075265-cn
Domain Status: ok
Registrant: 瓦房店天久轴承科技有限公司
Registrant Contact Email: 1109008696@qq.com
Sponsoring Registrar: 阿里云计算有限公司(万网)
Name Server: dns19.hichina.com
Name Server: dns20.hichina.com
Registration Time: 2005-03-29 16:59:26
Expiration Time: 2025-03-29 16:59:26
DNSSEC: unsigned

DNS Records
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HostMX RecordPriorityTTL
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Serial: 2022052002
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